girls' brigade
Girls' Brigade is a ... Fabulous ... Faith-based ... Fun programme for girls.
Our company is part of Girls Brigade NZ To find out more about our company, contact Joanne Wilson (Ph: 355-3124 or 027 2337 025) or email: [email protected] Brigade Company meets Thursday afternoons 4.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Looking for an affordable activity for your daughter? Then come along and give Girls’ Brigade a go. Joining a GB company is a great way for your daughter to make new friends and enjoy activities that challenge and nurture their growth in a safe and supportive environment. Our Girls Brigade is part of Girls Brigade NZ: Our company closes over school holidays. |
Girls' Brigade groups, called Companies, meet in a local church or hall once a week after school or in the early evening during school term time.
They share in fun, games, worship and activities that lead to badges and awards in three age-groups:
5 to 8 years – Juniors
9 to 12 years – Seniors
13 to 17 years – Pioneers
As well as the weekly activities, there are camps, outings, national and international events offering girls opportunities to grow friendships, share experiences and gain new skills.
Girls progressing through Pioneers also have the opportunity to join the Youth section,
gaining leadership skills, helping run their Company, and engaging in leading the National movement.
5 to 8 years – Juniors
9 to 12 years – Seniors
13 to 17 years – Pioneers
As well as the weekly activities, there are camps, outings, national and international events offering girls opportunities to grow friendships, share experiences and gain new skills.
Girls progressing through Pioneers also have the opportunity to join the Youth section,
gaining leadership skills, helping run their Company, and engaging in leading the National movement.
MILSON COMBINED CHURCHWe meet every Sunday at 10 am
Corner of Milson Line and Purdie Place 85 Milson Line, Milson Palmerston North, 4414 Minister: lay leaders Email: [email protected] Follow our updates on
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